Alex Cross, Run: Alex Cross series by James Patterson

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Alex Cross, Run

To be very frank I have never read any book by James Patterson before. So, I really did not know who he was and what genre he wrote, what style he had and what books he has already written so far. However, with so many amazing reviews on this Alex Cross, Run I certainly couldn’t help myself but reading it.

The Washington Post wrote:

Kill Alex Cross was “Patterson at the top of his game”. Alex Cross, Run is even better.

The American author James Patterson wrote Alex Cross, Run, a thriller novel, in the Alex Cross series. This thriller novel focuses on Alex Cross (detective) who has to solve three murder cases at once. The consequences of the cases may, however, cause very fatal changes to his own life.

For some reasons, I particularly like this passage of Alex Cross, Run:

The mask was an ingenious bit of latex composite, molded from human forms. The very newest thing. Creem had been experiementing with it since the scandal broke, and his own famous face had become something of a social liability. Now, as he passed the plate-glass window in front of Design Within Reach, he barely recognized his own reflection.

All he saw was an ugly old man-sallow skin, sunken cheeks, and a pathetic remnant of dry, silver hair over liver-spotted scalp. It was spectacular, actually. Poetic, even. The old man in the reflection looked just as ruined as Dr. Creem was feeling these days.

I really have to get used to his writing style but I do enjoy reading it very much: the endless suspense, car chases, some mysterious characters, serious dangers and more …

Nice to know: Alex Cross, Run is also available in hardcover, paperback and audiobook.

Check and try the sample of Alex Cross, Run:

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